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What You Should Know


There are options available to you to help you avoid the start of a foreclosure action. As you know a foreclosure will damage your credit rating, and your ability to borrow money at a decent interest rate in the future.

As your Credit Union, we are aware of the challenging economic conditions many individuals and families are facing today in meeting their financial obligations. If you are facing difficulties making your mortgage loan payment at Nikkei Credit Union and/or at a different lender, our recommendation is to take immediate steps to contact this lender. The longer you wait to contact your lender the more difficult it becomes to stop the foreclosure process.

At Nikkei Credit Union (and with other lenders) we want to work with you to ensure you can keep your house than go through the process of a costly foreclosure.

If you are facing delinquency and would like to discuss available options, the following financial documents are necessary to start our discussion with you:

  • Most recent pay stubs

  • Most recent W-2 tax statement

  • Most recent bank statement

  • A written statement explaining your financial hardship

  • A written financial statement detailing your income and expenses


Even if you are in the process of gathering your financial documents, please contact us at the number below to immediately begin a discussion regarding options that may be available to you:


  • Nikkei Credit Union: Call 866.4Nikkei (866.464.5534)

  • Other Lenders: Contact lender directly

  • Financial Counseling: HUD* Certified Housing Counselor at (800) 569-4287
    (*HUD: Housing Development Department)


Getting Started:
The most important step is to get help as early as possible. Remember, doing nothing will cause the greatest setback.


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